www.fs-rs.si / Publications / Recommendations and positions

Recommendations and positions

Fiscal Council may on its own initiative or at the request of the Parliament or the Government present its views on current budget execution, the adequacy of withdrawing the deviations from medium-term balance, on occurrence and timing of exceptional circumstances, and on other topics related to Fiscal Council’s area of operation.


Fiscal Council warns against adopting anti-corona legislation measures that will worsen the structural position of public financePDFPosition of the Fiscal Council

Opinion of the Fiscal Council issued at the adoption of measures to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 epidemicPDFOpinion of the Fiscal Council


Position of the Fiscal Council: The estimate of long-term fiscal effects of the amendments to the pension legislation indicates an additional increase in the cost of ageing, which must be presented by the Government publicly and transparently and which requires the adoption of comprehensive measures to provide sustainable public finances in the long termPDFPosition of the Fiscal Council

Position of the Fiscal Council: Amending the pension legislation needs to be accompanied by presentation of its long-term fiscal consequencesPDFPosition of the Fiscal Council

Answer of the Fiscal Council to the request of the Commission for Public Finance ControlPDFOdgovor FS_KNJF_eng


Statement regarding the Draft Budgetary Plan for 2018 and 2019

Priporočilo Fiskalnega sveta: Državni zbor naj ustavi vse zakonodajne postopke, katerih učinki na javne izdatke niso vključeni v obstoječe proračunske okvirePDFPriporočilo Fiskalnega sveta Državnemu zboru [Only in Slovene]

Fiscal Council’s call in relation to an increased risk to fiscal sustainability


Fiscal Council’s view of the opinion of the European Commission regarding the Draft Budget Plan 2018

Position of the Fiscal Council on the legal framework for medium-term fiscal planning

Fiscal Council recommendation: Fiscal policy must include swift actions to limit the fiscal implications of population aging

Positions of the Fiscal Council Fiscal risks related to the decision the State made regarding large infrastructure projects

Fiscal Council recommendation: Strong economic growth facilitates and requires additional fiscal effort

© Fiscal Council 2017 - 2025

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